Thursday, May 23, 2024

Resuscitation of the Mbengwi District Hospital, M.P Donates Beds, Promises Medication


It never rains but pours. The Mbengwi District Hospital that's been providing healthcare to the population at some point in time, like a willing horse that's being ridden to death tend to be in need of resuscitation. The standards of the hospital had fallen to the level where it was almost shutting down for lack of a seating doctor, nurses, medication, equipment, poor management etc,

To help rescue the sinking ship, municipal authorities stepped in and held a series of crisis meetings to make sure the hospital doesn't breathe its last. Several measures were taken beginning with ensuring that there's a resident doctor in the hospital. Members of the elite class of the subdivision and politicians were also presented the dying situation of the hospital so that they can as well help.  

Family Photo at Handing Over Ceremony 

It was for this reason that on Tuesday May 21st 2024, the Member of Parliament for Momo East Constituency, Mbengwi, Hon. Injoh Foo Ngang Prodencia made a donation of 10 VIP beds to the Mbengwi District Hospital as her own contribution to revive the ailing hospital. According to one of the hospital staff, "these VIP beds will go a long way to improve on the  care and comfort of patients admitted in the hospital"

She also used the opportunity to lament about the challenges still plaguing the hospital which she cited as lack of a full blood count machine, a biochemistry machine, surgical sets, cesarean section sets, laparotomy sets, general surgery sets, episiotomy sets, increase in its medical/paramedical staff and more infrastructure in order to meet the standards of a district hospital.

Traditional Dance by Students of SAR/SM Mbengwi Animating the Event 

The M.P was accompanied for the handing over ceremony by the mayor of the Mbengwi Council Ndangsa Kennedy Akam, the Divisional Officer of Mbengwi, Ngidah Lawrence Che, the Senior Divisional Officer of Momo, Fouda Etaba Benoit Nicaise and heads of security units otherwise known as Etat Major. Students of SAR/SM Mbengwi animated the event with traditional dance. At least 300 persons drawn from the beneficiary population also witnessed the occasion. 

Speaking earlier on, the mayor of the Mbengwi Council called on the population to continue to collaborate with administrative authorities and forces of law and order to maintain peace in Mbengwi. He admitted the people had repeatedly complaint about the falling standards of the hospital and  further made it known that in response to some of the complains, the hospital now has a resident doctor who was introduced to the population and welcomed with a round of applause, indicating that the cries of the people are being heard and responded to. With the new doctor and the recent new beds, Ndangsa Kennedy assured that more good things are still coming to the hospital to improve on the healthcare service it has been providing to the population of Mbengwi for decades of years. 

Symbolic Handing Over of the Beds by the S.D.O of Momo to the Hospital Administration 

The people's representative in Cameroon's National Assembly, Hon. Injoh Foo Ngang Prodencia on her part while addressing the crowd said "I brought these beds today thanks to my partnership with the U.S based N.G.O known as The Friendship Circle and a 40 feet container of assorted medication is being shipped into Cameroon and by June 17th, it'll arrive as per the Bill of lading in Douala, we do the clearance and program healthcare campaigns in various villages here in my constituency"

On his part the S.D.O of Momo expressed gladness with the donation and added that the people of Mbengwi are blessed considering that people right in the U.S.A are thinking about them and trying to keep them in good health. To the beneficiaries of the gift especially personnel of the hospital, he called on them to maintain the beds especially as they are of good quality so that they can serve the population for years. 

Symbolic Handing Over by the M.P to the S.D.O

"Madam the M.P, extend our greetings and congratulations to The Friendship Circle. We want to acknowledge their commitment to alleviate the difficulties that we have here and this action falls in line with government policy of improving the health situation of its citizens in Momo Division" said the Senior Divisional Officer.

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