Monday, February 8, 2021

Parliamentary Outreach: Momo East Constituents Take their M.P to Task

Parliamentary Outreach: Momo East Constituents Take their M.P to Task

Questions about legitimacy are now things of the past as constituents of Momo East, Mbengwi now expect even more than Oliver Twist from their Member of Parliament, Hon. Injoh Foo Ngang Prodencia, elected during the most turbulent moment of the nation's political history, 2020.

Because the voting exercise was boycotted by most of the electorate though not willingly but due to security challenges, many thought constituents who never voted the parliamentarian will in turn expect nothing from her. Far from that. 

Momo East M.P Explaining to Beneficiaries Reasons for the Shortage
Consignment of Day Old Chicks

A recent activity carried out by the M.P to distribute poultry inputs to farmers in her constituency proved otherwise. It was on Saturday February 6th 2021 that hundreds of farmers gathered at the Mbon Motor Park with great expectations to carry home their own share of the package they had earlier on registered to benefit from. 

Unfortunately, the package was limited. In an earlier report published by Mbengwi Online, the M.P was quoted saying she shall be distributing five thousand (5.000) day old chicks to some selected Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), women, youths, farming groups and the vulnerable in her constituency. However, on the distribution day proper, only one thousand (1.000) chicks were available. As such, she was taken to task by mostly the women and youths that showed up with high ambitions.

Aerial View of Event Ground 

Handing Over 

The beneficiaries that had come from far and near didn't hide expressing their feelings of disappointment directly to their representative in parliament. For the first time they surrounded her demanding for explanations, a move some observers interpreted as clear prove that they recognise her and expect her to deliver the required results.

Hon. Injoh Foo Ngang Prodencia had actually earmarked distributing 5.000 day old chicks but unfortunately, as she explained, there was a disappointment at the level of the hatchery from where the chicks were to be bought. Due to limited supply, she could secure only one thousand. 

Arrival of D.O of Mbengwi, Representing S.D.O of Momo

These explanations were given to the highly inquisitive constituents who were assured that the promise made shall be strictly kept, meaning in the days ahead, the 4.000 remaining chicks shall still be distributed by the time the expected quantity is finally obtained from the hatchery. Since the ceremony had been announced for the 6th, there was virtually no way it could be postponed until the promised quantity is available, an explanation that was understood by the disgruntled beneficiaries. 

Speaking earlier on at the handing over ceremony, the Momo Divisional Delegate of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, Mr. Utagah Eric Tacho described Mbengwi as highly favourable for agricultural cultivation and livestock breeding considering that both crops and animals/birds do well in the subdivision.

Mbengwi Council Mayor & Momo Divisional Delegate of Livestock

In addition to the 1.000 vaccinated day old chicks donated, the fortunate beneficiaries also  received feeders, drinkers and feed. Many more await the day the remaining 4.000 shall be shared. Speaking to Mbengwi Online at the end of the exercise, the M.P said "My main concern is to see a strong, healthy and dynamic population socially and economically. Secondly, I'm interested to empower my people, to see them have surplus to sell, earn more and build better lives for themselves, their children, families and the society at large"

She went further to announce the imminent creation of an agricultural input store within her constituency that shall be put at the disposition of farmers to obtain farming tools, animal feed, seeds, fertilizers and chemicals at affordable prices. Away from agriculture, Hon. Injoh Foo Ngang Prodencia also announced that she has secured 15 full time scholarships from the National Employment Fund for youths of her constituency who wish to study Hospitality Management. Registration she disclosed is ongoing at the Mbengwi Council for those interested in grabbing the scholarship opportunity.

Publicity Banner of Event


Fast spreading but yet to be confirmed rumours talk of the M.P having secured a multimillion grant from the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education for some youths of her municipality as startup capital to invest in businesses of their choice. All ears are still on the ground anxiously waiting for the materialisation of this big catch. 

Worthy of note is the fact that the Hon. Injoh Prodencia has constantly been braving security challenges to make her presence felt within her constituency, Mbengwi. The day old chicks donation ceremony was one of her first activities that brought her in close contact with the commoners as previously, almost all of her visits to Mbengwi were mostly administrative and official.

D.O of Mbengwi & M.P of Momo East Constituency

Her gesture was highly saluted by the beneficiaries, the mayor of the Mbengwi Council, Ndangsa Kennedy Akam and the Divisional Officer of Mbengwi Central Subdivision, Sakwe Jarvis Esapa seating in for the Momo Divisional Officer, Fouda Nicaise. The administrative officer described agriculture as thr backbone of Cameroon's economy. Hear him, "Agriculture in our nation is actually very important and can't be despised. You could be a government authority, an M.P, an S.D.O, a minister but there's one thing that's rest assured; all of us must eat and we must drink"

Sakwe Jarvis also encouraged other elites of Momo division in general and Mbengwi subdivision in particular to copy the good examples of the M.P and a few others that have repeatedly carried out similar donations back home and that when they do so, it should be publicised through the media so that people get to know. 

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