Thursday, November 5, 2020

Mbengwi: Young Volunteers Headcarry WFP Aid to an Isolated Old Man

Mbengwi: Young Volunteers Headcarry WFP Aid to an Isolated Old Man

Chaa is an isolated farmland bordering two subdivisions, Bafut and Mbengwi. There lives a certain Pa Nji Munya in his sixties, visually impaired for 20 years now. He lives here in an ancient thatched house with his wife and some of his children and they are the only ones in the area. Their closest neighbours are about 1/2 a kilometer away, in Bafut. 

Young Volunteers Through Bushes to Chaa Headcarrying the WFP Aid

On Monday November 2nd 2020, a group of young volunteers headcarried material and food assistance obtained from the World Food Program to Chaa. The items were a bag of rice, a bag of koki beans, a bucket, a jug, cubes of soap, vegetable oil, water treatment drugs just to name these few.

For over one hour thirty minutes, these young volunteers trekked through hills and valleys, thick bushes,  crossing bridges and slippery grounds to reach their destination. Mbengwi Online, an online news platform through its administrator, this reporter, had earlier on made contacts to obtain the items after noticing the WFP was carrying out distribution of assistance to affected and vulnerable persons in the municipality. Having secured the items, he went on to get volunteers who excitingly engaged in the mission. 

Catching Fon on the Chaa Bridge Over River Mezam

While in Chaa, the team handed the items after explaining to the beneficiary the source and how they were obtained. He was at home with part of his family. Amongst the items was also an enlarged photo of the beneficiary, produced by this reporter cum photographer and handed on behalf of Mbengwi Online news platform and packets of sachet whisky sent by a concerned U.S based daughter of the soil.

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"I'm very glad. I didn't expect such and I pray God provides more to the World Food Program to continue progressing in reaching out to other hungry, needy and vulnerable persons in the world at large" said a very excited Pa Nji Munya and interestingly in good English. The volunteers will then spend hours of singing, dancing, snapshots, drinking, story telling etc in Chaa with the old man. He told the youths a story of how he travelled from Mbonge in the South West Region on a bicycle from 6am on December 22nd 1983 and arrived Mbengwi the next day at 11am. He came home to spend Christmas and for good after staying for 15 years in Mbonge.

Taking Selfie With Pa Nji Munya

In his narration, he said "Upon arrival in  Bafoussam, I lost my way and became stranded. So I had to pass the night there till daybreak. Then I saw a car whose number plate started with NW. I knew it was herding to Bamenda and that's how I started following it from behind, on my bicycle till we arrived Nkwen Park from where I took off to Mbengwi" His story got all his visitors marvelled. 

Attention, you can also watch this report on our YouTube channel by clicking on

At the end of the visit, Mbengwi Online spoke with the volunteers to share their impressions. Tata Erasmus said "It was a privilege to join this solidarity team to help the needy. To all those who contributed in anyway materially, morally, financially or physically to help Pa Nji Munya of Chaa, I'll say thanks a lot." He wished a solar TV and radio could be installed in Pa's house for him to be following happenings in the world and also proposed a bridge be constructed over River Mezam leading to the very fertile farmland of Chaa.

Tata Erasmus

For all your household electronics needs, God's Time Enterprise, Mile 18 Mbengwi is the place to visit. Prices, Down to Earth

To Amboh Claris, the lone girl in the boys, it was wonderful going to Chaa to see Pa Munya for her first time. She said "I enjoyed the time we spent with him, the discussions, the music, the achu and yellow soup they kept for us. I also learnt some lessons and took my blessings from him. He was so impressed and congratulated us, wishing us the best"

Mbah Shadrach on his part said "At the end of the day, I'm happy because it was more of a touristic trip. I discovered him for the first time in my life, interacted with him, he played us guitar and I danced." He also thanked all the members of Mbengwi Online, wishing the brotherly love being shared continues.

Amboh Claris

Tumoh Becline

L-R: Fongoh Primus (Journalist) Tata Erasmus (Technician) Mbah Shadrach (Bike Rider) Tita Macleeve (Applicant)

Tita Macleeve has been visiting Pa Nji Munya repeatedly. They are long time friends but to him, this particular trip was special because Pa was so grateful and gave them plenty of blessings and good luck wishes. "I was so excited  with what he said and as such, I'm planning to also mobilise others to visit him so that he can dance again because I enjoyed that aspect of him so much and caught so much fun" he ended.

Same impressions were also shared by Tumoh Becline as he said "Actually, the journey was so special to me because it's my first time being to Chaa. As a native of Meta I've been hearing of Chaa and when this opportunity to go donate items offered by the WFP to him came up, I couldn't miss it. It was really a wonderful day, a nice Monday well spent. I wish to visit him again to watch him play his guitar, sing and dance. I really love the journey. It was very nice"

Tebi Nestus, WFP Supervisor, Mbengwi

As the ongoing Anglophone Crisis persist, the World Food Program has been reaching out to thousands of affected families in Mbengwi with aid. Tebi Nestus is the supervisor of the program's activities in the subdivision. He says they came into Mbengwi in December 2018 with a target to reach out to 3.000 affected persons but could register just 2000 since many were sceptical about giving out their information due to fear and doubts. "Since March 2019 till date, these persons have been benefitting food aid, multiple cash and hygiene kits on monthly basis according to their households" he explained

On the trip to Chaa he expressed satisfaction with the team of young volunteers that decided to assist the WFP in reaching out to Pa Nji Munya. Hear him "When I got information about him I was so passionate because I couldn't believe there's somebody who's blind living in such an isolated area. Such aids are meant for such persons. What we gave him is what we could for now but with time, if there's any new targeting, we will endeavour to include him."

The Nobel Peace Prize 2020 was awarded to the  World Food Programme for its efforts to combat hunger, for its contribution to bettering conditions for peace in conflict-affected areas and for acting as a driving force in efforts to prevent the use of hunger as a weapon of war and conflict.

Enlarged Photo of Pa Nji Munya Made by Fongoh p Ayeh (Journalist cum Photographer)

Pa Nji Munya Blessing Fongoh P. Ayeh

The Visitors Being Entertained by Pa's Wife with Achu and Yellow Soup, a Famous  Traditional Meal in the NW region

Volunteers Dancing in Chaa with Pa

Pa Playing Some Old Timers on His Guitar to Entertain his Children (Visiting Volunteers)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for reading. Keep visiting Mbengwi Online blog for more interesting news from in and out of Mbengwi

  2. Mbahmeta Fominyen

    İam so gladly touched that our sons and a daughter should dare to brave the journey from Mbengwi to Chaa. I have just been wishing I was in the group.
    I want to register my very special love and thanks to these young people who have been good enough to under take this journey and special appreciation Mr Ayene, the journalist without whose consecrated efforts, these records would hardly have come to us.
    May the good Lord look after you motivate our forefathers, whom I represent to pour their blessings on you and lead you to on forward suchlike activities. Remain blessed
