Thursday, October 3, 2024

Combatting Insecurity in Acha-Tugi, the Magic Wand of Ngu Victor Teche

Ngu Victor Teche is a proud son of Njaah. Though resident in the nation's political capital Yaounde, he visits home frequently as need arises. Not even insecurity stemming from the ongoing but de-escalating Anglophone Crisis has ever deterred him from constantly going back to the land of his ancestors, his birthplace. He doesn't just visit home for the sake of it but usually to sow a seed, put smiles on the faces of his mothers, fathers, youths and children back in his community. For quite sometime now, he's been distinguishing himself from the rest as one that's done more humanitarian outreaches to his people. 

Though still in his early 40s and not so much well to do financially compared to others, Ngu Victor Teche believes in where there's a will to give, there'll always be a means and that giving is not in the quantity or amount but rather, the desire. It is for this reason that he paid a special visit to the Presbyterian General Hospital Acha-Tugi on Friday September 27th 2024 to make a donation.

Founded in 1963 by the Basel Mission, the health complex that's over 50 years old today has somehow outlived its hey days. From managerial crisis to the Anglophone Crisis and the increasing establishment of other Acha annexes in other parts of the country, the mother health centre of the now Presbyterian Church in Cameroon is  according to analysts, a shadow of itself. It is in this hospital that Ngu Victor Teche was born some 41 years ago. This is why he saw need to go back to where he was safely delivered and say thank you in kind.

The humanitarian visit saw the august guest donating materials to the hospital ranging from mopers to buckets, trash cans, toilet tissues, powder and liquid soap, water boilers, vuvuzelas, security cameras and general installation of security bulbs around the hospital premises.

One of the Surveillance Cameras Donated by Ngu Victor Teche to Acha-Tugi Hospital 
Family Photo at Donation Ceremony 

While presenting these items to the hospital authorities, Ngu Victor called for reflection on the need to have an association of babies born and patients treated at the hospital. He also cautioned that his gesture is not to be used for political gains because it doesn't only benefit the people from Njaah where he comes from neither Acha-Tugi but all sick persons, pregnant and nursing mothers from far and near. He regretted that unfortunately, some persons will want to use such a gesture of his to engage in political rhetorics that will instead further divide the people of the area from the already visible cracks.

"Just imagine if we took a break off these scuffles and engage in meaningful development in our various villages then two years later we take a look back and see the wonderful metamorphosis of how our villages have been transformed. I am sure we are going to be marvelled by the development therein." These were his words as he tactfully addressed the long standing generational dispute between the people of Njaah against those of Acha-Tugi over land, boundary and chieftaincy. 

In appreciation of his donation, a letter from Dr. Nyaah Fidelis, Health Services Secretary of the PCC was read out to the hearing of all by the administrator of the hospital. In the letter, the secretary told the illustrious son of Njaah that "We have followed very keenly your benevolent gesture in supporting the healing ministry of the church by improving on the lighting system of the hospital to ensure security to the church's property, patients and staff of the facility, providing sanitary tools to improve hygiene and sanitation of the hospital."

In continuation, Fidelis in the letter told Victor "I have been directed by the Moderator of the PCC to appreciate all the efforts you are putting to support the mission of the church in the Meta presbytery particularly in Acha-Tugi hospital." Demonstrations were later done on how to make proper use of the vuvuzelas in case of danger so as to alert the rest of the villagers to come out and look into the security concern at stake. 

Beneficiary Population Present to Recieve the Donation
Trash Cans, Buckets, Moppers, Vuvuzelas, Toilet Rolls, Water Boilers Etc

Fobang Roland Achu is a close friend Teche Victor. When Mbengwi Online cornered him at the end of the handing over ceremony to comment, he said "I want to thank him for this wonderful gesture and the innitiative he has in mind to bring ex babies born and patients treated in Acha together so they could support the hospital." Talking about the staff of the hospital, Roland opined that "These guys are sacrificing a lot at this material moment. These are the people that the church should look into their situation and motivate them for being resilient during these trying times."

Just like Fobang Roland, Mami Ayong Felicia Amuyen, a native of the area expressed joy with the donation from Victor and the commitment of the hospital staff in attending to patients. She further encouraged patients from far and near to be confident in visiting Acha-Tugi hospital for consultation and treatment. She wished the hospital grows back to regain it's lost glories. 

In a one on one with the philanthropist at the end of the handing over exercise, Teche Victor Ngu started by telling us what motivated him to do this donation. Hear him; "I reflected why I hadn't done something before now but since there's time for everything, today I had to come with these items and handover. For me, giving back to this hospital where I was born 41 years ago, I feel proud because hospitals are social centres where you have people who are suffering. My motivation comes from the fact that I have always been sharing from my childhood upbringing and I feel happy when people are happy."

He encouraged everyone to endeavour to inculcate the spirit of sharing in them. To him, "If you have a thousand Francs and can't share with someone and your hoping to share when you'll have one million, you'll never still do so." When we of Mbengwi Online gave him room to make any special plea to the public, this is what he said; "I know we have well to do mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. I'm not giving because I have much. I don't even have anything compared to what others have. I'm calling on them not to abandon this hospital. Most of us have passed through the corridors of this hospital by being born or being treated here, not only Meta people but people from Oshie, Ngie, Njikwa, Batibo, the Mbororos and beyond. I know some have done so before but let's go ahead with this because it's very important to save a human life. The items have brought great relief to the patients here."

Praying for God's Blessings on the Items
Items Donated 

He ended by beckoning on the mayor of the Mbengwi council to lend some support to the hospital that's now a shadow of itself as most people even wonder if it's still functional though the doctor confirmed it is in full gear.

Coincidentally, just barely two days after donating the items to help beef up security in Acha Tugi, two thieves were arrested in the area on Monday morning breaking Tuesday. The gang of 4 had attacked a man in the neighborhood in an attempt to seize money from him. He resisted the robbers and was well beaten, wounded. An alarm was raised by blowing the vuvuzelas and the vigilant population came out in their numbers and went after the thieves. Two were caught while two escaped. 

While being interrogated, one of the thieves confessed they are the ones that have been carrying out most of the attacks on individuals in Mbengwi subdivision. Shockingly, he confessed that they're the ones that attacked and killed a popular business man in Mbengwi known as John Corner Bend some months back in his Njinibi village residence. The criminals were later handed by the population to forces of law and order for justice to take its course. 

Professor Njoh Oliver is the President General of the Meta Cultural and Development Association MECUDA. Having heard of recent happenings in the clan pertaining to insecurity he's not been indifferent to being worried. In a follow up address to the Meta people after the recent arrest of the two killer thieves, the P.G said "I am not very much happy given the prevailing onslaught of killings, maiming and thefts orchestrated on our people throughout the clan and all fingers are pointing at young men of Mbororo extraction from our communities. Within this past year and just a couple of months ago, cases of gruesome killings and kidnaps have been circulating from Munam, Zang Tabi, Fringyeng, Kob, Njinibi, Acha-Tugi and others that may not have had a wider publicity"

He will further sound a warning bell for all to sit up and act to contain with immediate effect the increasing rate of insecurity in the clan. In his words, "The time to be pleading for support for MECUDA to tackle these issues, for the Fons who are also sleeping on clan issues, for those elites who are only elites for themselves, for selfish politicians, for idlers whose ambition is to get out fathers and people at each others throat is over.  Noise should stop in Meta for action."

New Cold Store at Sanyere Opened by Ngu Victor Teche
Donation of Back to School Support Material to Students and Pupils by Ngu Victor Teche 
Family Photo at Donation of Back to School Support

Before the recent donation of security and hygiene gadgets to the Acha-Tugi hospital that culminated to the arrest of two thieves in the area, Ngu Victor Teche had in the month of August opened the first cold store at Sanyere, a renowned road junction linking Mbengwi to Njikwa and Ngie Subdivisions. Through the cold store, frozen fish and other goods of basic necessity have been brought closer to the population to improve on their livelihood. 

The establishment of the cold store was preceded by the provision of didactic materials like books, pens, bags to hundreds of pupils and students in Acha-Tugi Tugi to prepare them for back to school in the 2024/2025 academic year. Giving back to his community has been part and parcel of Victor's lifestyle and he's not stopping any moment soon. Instead, as days go buy he keeps increasing his scope of outreach.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Meyi Eborobod (Women of Peace) Change the Lives of Two Vulnerable Girls in Mbengwi

Meyi Eborobod is the name of a social group of Meta women drawn from all walks of life. Founded in 2005 by its vision bearer Mrs. Fonso Pauline who served as pioneer president, the group started with 8 members and 19 years after, that is as of this 2024, its membership now stands at 102 women with Dr. Mrs. Tah Monunde Mercy as current president.  

Meyi Eborobod sets out to promote and enhance the economic potential of members, respect for one another and friendly co-existence among the Meta Women, educate and enhance the knowledge and skills of members through lectures, workshops, seminars and create, develop a spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance amongst members in times of joy and sadness.

Aishia Fatou  Recieving Her Material & Financial Support 
Keng Rachael Recieving Her Material & Financial Support 

From time to time, the group also reaches out to members of the community who are less privileged and provide assistance where need be in community projects to improve on the image/welfare of the Meta Woman.

With Bamenda being its stronghold where monthly meetings are held, her membership spreads across other regions and abroad. Quite often than not, the women also visit, share and pray at orphanages and underprivileged persons in society, pay courtesy visits to their fathers/leaders like the Fons (in and out of Mbengwi) and their patrons.

On Friday 27 September 2024, some members of the group were in Mbengwi for the realisation of an activity. In the year 2022, Meyi Eborobod identified two vulnerable girls in Mbengwi; Keng Rachael and Aishia Fatou and resolved to empower them. The duo were enrolled in two different workshops in Mbengwi, one for tailoring and the other for hairdressing where they undertook a two and half year training. Their apprenticeship fees were paid by the group during which they were also entitled to some allowances for their upkeep. 

Family Picture Infront of Mbengwi Council Hall
Family Picture with the Mayor in his Office

Upon completion, Meyi Eborobod came back and "settled" the girls to start life. The handing over of equipment and finance to the two girls that marked their graduation ceremony took place in the Mbengwi Council hall, witnessed by the mayor, Ndangsa Kennedy Akam, parents, friends and family members of the graduates, their mistresses and other personalities.

When Mbengwi Online wanted to know from the president of the group, Dr. Mrs. Tah Monunde Mercy how much was spent on each of the girls, her response was "They are our children. I just wish to find out from you, do you calculate how much you spend on your children when you send them to school? We however paid their fees for two and a half years, provided materials for training used during their study and gave them allowances for their upkeep. At the end of their training, during the graduation ceremony, Meyi Eborobod provided each of them with enough equipment and finances that will enable them to effectively start their own shops."

The story of what Məyi Əbɔrəbɔd did to Keng Rachael and Aishia Fatou is one that will continue to be told from generation to generation. When almost all hope was lost and faced with the challenges of the Anglophone Crisis that's been leaving mostly young girls vulnerable to ills like juvenile delinquency at times in a bit to cater for their basic needs, this group of Meta women stepped in to rescue the two girls from falling prey to such by empowering them economically. 

To the group's president, the girls are expected and have been told to settle down and become independent and responsible in no distant time and why not be able to also train others in their respective disciplines. As for what next Meyi Eborobod will be engaging in after this, Dr. Mercy said "We usually have a yearly plan of activities and with the means available we will be able to decide on what activity to undertake. The year is coming to an end and during our next session we will come up with what next to do."

Meyi Eborobod attends to both boys and girls of all ages who are less privileged. They work in collaboration with the Divisional Delegation of Social Affairs, Momo and the Community/Social Workers to identify these children. The president at the end of the graduation/"settlement" ceremony used the opportunity to extend special thanks to all Meyi Eborobod members for raising the finances that enabled the group to handle all their projects/activities so far. "We are thankful to the two trainers at Mbon market who were patient with the girls and taught them the skills" she added. 

In continuation, she went on to say "We also thank our patrons who some years ago during our 10th Anniversary celebration supported us financially. We are grateful to the Lord Mayor, First and Second Deputy Mayors of the Mbengwi Council for offering us space at the council for the graduation ceremony and also providing separate sheds at Mbon Market for the two girls to occupy for a year without paying rents as they begin."

Lastly, she ended by acknowledging the assistance given to them by the Divisional Delegate of Social Affairs and the Community/Social Worker for Mbengwi. At moment, plans are underway to establish a branch of Meyi Eborobod in Mbengwi. Those interested to belong can get to Madam Fonjong Doreen Anwi epouse Agwe who is first deputy mayor of the Mbengwi Council for further details or contact their president Dr. Mrs. Tah Monunde Mercy.