Thursday, October 3, 2024

Combatting Insecurity in Acha-Tugi, the Magic Wand of Ngu Victor Teche

Ngu Victor Teche is a proud son of Njaah. Though resident in the nation's political capital Yaounde, he visits home frequently as need arises. Not even insecurity stemming from the ongoing but de-escalating Anglophone Crisis has ever deterred him from constantly going back to the land of his ancestors, his birthplace. He doesn't just visit home for the sake of it but usually to sow a seed, put smiles on the faces of his mothers, fathers, youths and children back in his community. For quite sometime now, he's been distinguishing himself from the rest as one that's done more humanitarian outreaches to his people. 

Though still in his early 40s and not so much well to do financially compared to others, Ngu Victor Teche believes in where there's a will to give, there'll always be a means and that giving is not in the quantity or amount but rather, the desire. It is for this reason that he paid a special visit to the Presbyterian General Hospital Acha-Tugi on Friday September 27th 2024 to make a donation.

Founded in 1963 by the Basel Mission, the health complex that's over 50 years old today has somehow outlived its hey days. From managerial crisis to the Anglophone Crisis and the increasing establishment of other Acha annexes in other parts of the country, the mother health centre of the now Presbyterian Church in Cameroon is  according to analysts, a shadow of itself. It is in this hospital that Ngu Victor Teche was born some 41 years ago. This is why he saw need to go back to where he was safely delivered and say thank you in kind.

The humanitarian visit saw the august guest donating materials to the hospital ranging from mopers to buckets, trash cans, toilet tissues, powder and liquid soap, water boilers, vuvuzelas, security cameras and general installation of security bulbs around the hospital premises.

One of the Surveillance Cameras Donated by Ngu Victor Teche to Acha-Tugi Hospital 
Family Photo at Donation Ceremony 

While presenting these items to the hospital authorities, Ngu Victor called for reflection on the need to have an association of babies born and patients treated at the hospital. He also cautioned that his gesture is not to be used for political gains because it doesn't only benefit the people from Njaah where he comes from neither Acha-Tugi but all sick persons, pregnant and nursing mothers from far and near. He regretted that unfortunately, some persons will want to use such a gesture of his to engage in political rhetorics that will instead further divide the people of the area from the already visible cracks.

"Just imagine if we took a break off these scuffles and engage in meaningful development in our various villages then two years later we take a look back and see the wonderful metamorphosis of how our villages have been transformed. I am sure we are going to be marvelled by the development therein." These were his words as he tactfully addressed the long standing generational dispute between the people of Njaah against those of Acha-Tugi over land, boundary and chieftaincy. 

In appreciation of his donation, a letter from Dr. Nyaah Fidelis, Health Services Secretary of the PCC was read out to the hearing of all by the administrator of the hospital. In the letter, the secretary told the illustrious son of Njaah that "We have followed very keenly your benevolent gesture in supporting the healing ministry of the church by improving on the lighting system of the hospital to ensure security to the church's property, patients and staff of the facility, providing sanitary tools to improve hygiene and sanitation of the hospital."

In continuation, Fidelis in the letter told Victor "I have been directed by the Moderator of the PCC to appreciate all the efforts you are putting to support the mission of the church in the Meta presbytery particularly in Acha-Tugi hospital." Demonstrations were later done on how to make proper use of the vuvuzelas in case of danger so as to alert the rest of the villagers to come out and look into the security concern at stake. 

Beneficiary Population Present to Recieve the Donation
Trash Cans, Buckets, Moppers, Vuvuzelas, Toilet Rolls, Water Boilers Etc

Fobang Roland Achu is a close friend Teche Victor. When Mbengwi Online cornered him at the end of the handing over ceremony to comment, he said "I want to thank him for this wonderful gesture and the innitiative he has in mind to bring ex babies born and patients treated in Acha together so they could support the hospital." Talking about the staff of the hospital, Roland opined that "These guys are sacrificing a lot at this material moment. These are the people that the church should look into their situation and motivate them for being resilient during these trying times."

Just like Fobang Roland, Mami Ayong Felicia Amuyen, a native of the area expressed joy with the donation from Victor and the commitment of the hospital staff in attending to patients. She further encouraged patients from far and near to be confident in visiting Acha-Tugi hospital for consultation and treatment. She wished the hospital grows back to regain it's lost glories. 

In a one on one with the philanthropist at the end of the handing over exercise, Teche Victor Ngu started by telling us what motivated him to do this donation. Hear him; "I reflected why I hadn't done something before now but since there's time for everything, today I had to come with these items and handover. For me, giving back to this hospital where I was born 41 years ago, I feel proud because hospitals are social centres where you have people who are suffering. My motivation comes from the fact that I have always been sharing from my childhood upbringing and I feel happy when people are happy."

He encouraged everyone to endeavour to inculcate the spirit of sharing in them. To him, "If you have a thousand Francs and can't share with someone and your hoping to share when you'll have one million, you'll never still do so." When we of Mbengwi Online gave him room to make any special plea to the public, this is what he said; "I know we have well to do mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. I'm not giving because I have much. I don't even have anything compared to what others have. I'm calling on them not to abandon this hospital. Most of us have passed through the corridors of this hospital by being born or being treated here, not only Meta people but people from Oshie, Ngie, Njikwa, Batibo, the Mbororos and beyond. I know some have done so before but let's go ahead with this because it's very important to save a human life. The items have brought great relief to the patients here."

Praying for God's Blessings on the Items
Items Donated 

He ended by beckoning on the mayor of the Mbengwi council to lend some support to the hospital that's now a shadow of itself as most people even wonder if it's still functional though the doctor confirmed it is in full gear.

Coincidentally, just barely two days after donating the items to help beef up security in Acha Tugi, two thieves were arrested in the area on Monday morning breaking Tuesday. The gang of 4 had attacked a man in the neighborhood in an attempt to seize money from him. He resisted the robbers and was well beaten, wounded. An alarm was raised by blowing the vuvuzelas and the vigilant population came out in their numbers and went after the thieves. Two were caught while two escaped. 

While being interrogated, one of the thieves confessed they are the ones that have been carrying out most of the attacks on individuals in Mbengwi subdivision. Shockingly, he confessed that they're the ones that attacked and killed a popular business man in Mbengwi known as John Corner Bend some months back in his Njinibi village residence. The criminals were later handed by the population to forces of law and order for justice to take its course. 

Professor Njoh Oliver is the President General of the Meta Cultural and Development Association MECUDA. Having heard of recent happenings in the clan pertaining to insecurity he's not been indifferent to being worried. In a follow up address to the Meta people after the recent arrest of the two killer thieves, the P.G said "I am not very much happy given the prevailing onslaught of killings, maiming and thefts orchestrated on our people throughout the clan and all fingers are pointing at young men of Mbororo extraction from our communities. Within this past year and just a couple of months ago, cases of gruesome killings and kidnaps have been circulating from Munam, Zang Tabi, Fringyeng, Kob, Njinibi, Acha-Tugi and others that may not have had a wider publicity"

He will further sound a warning bell for all to sit up and act to contain with immediate effect the increasing rate of insecurity in the clan. In his words, "The time to be pleading for support for MECUDA to tackle these issues, for the Fons who are also sleeping on clan issues, for those elites who are only elites for themselves, for selfish politicians, for idlers whose ambition is to get out fathers and people at each others throat is over.  Noise should stop in Meta for action."

New Cold Store at Sanyere Opened by Ngu Victor Teche
Donation of Back to School Support Material to Students and Pupils by Ngu Victor Teche 
Family Photo at Donation of Back to School Support

Before the recent donation of security and hygiene gadgets to the Acha-Tugi hospital that culminated to the arrest of two thieves in the area, Ngu Victor Teche had in the month of August opened the first cold store at Sanyere, a renowned road junction linking Mbengwi to Njikwa and Ngie Subdivisions. Through the cold store, frozen fish and other goods of basic necessity have been brought closer to the population to improve on their livelihood. 

The establishment of the cold store was preceded by the provision of didactic materials like books, pens, bags to hundreds of pupils and students in Acha-Tugi Tugi to prepare them for back to school in the 2024/2025 academic year. Giving back to his community has been part and parcel of Victor's lifestyle and he's not stopping any moment soon. Instead, as days go buy he keeps increasing his scope of outreach.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Meyi Eborobod (Women of Peace) Change the Lives of Two Vulnerable Girls in Mbengwi

Meyi Eborobod is the name of a social group of Meta women drawn from all walks of life. Founded in 2005 by its vision bearer Mrs. Fonso Pauline who served as pioneer president, the group started with 8 members and 19 years after, that is as of this 2024, its membership now stands at 102 women with Dr. Mrs. Tah Monunde Mercy as current president.  

Meyi Eborobod sets out to promote and enhance the economic potential of members, respect for one another and friendly co-existence among the Meta Women, educate and enhance the knowledge and skills of members through lectures, workshops, seminars and create, develop a spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance amongst members in times of joy and sadness.

Aishia Fatou  Recieving Her Material & Financial Support 
Keng Rachael Recieving Her Material & Financial Support 

From time to time, the group also reaches out to members of the community who are less privileged and provide assistance where need be in community projects to improve on the image/welfare of the Meta Woman.

With Bamenda being its stronghold where monthly meetings are held, her membership spreads across other regions and abroad. Quite often than not, the women also visit, share and pray at orphanages and underprivileged persons in society, pay courtesy visits to their fathers/leaders like the Fons (in and out of Mbengwi) and their patrons.

On Friday 27 September 2024, some members of the group were in Mbengwi for the realisation of an activity. In the year 2022, Meyi Eborobod identified two vulnerable girls in Mbengwi; Keng Rachael and Aishia Fatou and resolved to empower them. The duo were enrolled in two different workshops in Mbengwi, one for tailoring and the other for hairdressing where they undertook a two and half year training. Their apprenticeship fees were paid by the group during which they were also entitled to some allowances for their upkeep. 

Family Picture Infront of Mbengwi Council Hall
Family Picture with the Mayor in his Office

Upon completion, Meyi Eborobod came back and "settled" the girls to start life. The handing over of equipment and finance to the two girls that marked their graduation ceremony took place in the Mbengwi Council hall, witnessed by the mayor, Ndangsa Kennedy Akam, parents, friends and family members of the graduates, their mistresses and other personalities.

When Mbengwi Online wanted to know from the president of the group, Dr. Mrs. Tah Monunde Mercy how much was spent on each of the girls, her response was "They are our children. I just wish to find out from you, do you calculate how much you spend on your children when you send them to school? We however paid their fees for two and a half years, provided materials for training used during their study and gave them allowances for their upkeep. At the end of their training, during the graduation ceremony, Meyi Eborobod provided each of them with enough equipment and finances that will enable them to effectively start their own shops."

The story of what Məyi Əbɔrəbɔd did to Keng Rachael and Aishia Fatou is one that will continue to be told from generation to generation. When almost all hope was lost and faced with the challenges of the Anglophone Crisis that's been leaving mostly young girls vulnerable to ills like juvenile delinquency at times in a bit to cater for their basic needs, this group of Meta women stepped in to rescue the two girls from falling prey to such by empowering them economically. 

To the group's president, the girls are expected and have been told to settle down and become independent and responsible in no distant time and why not be able to also train others in their respective disciplines. As for what next Meyi Eborobod will be engaging in after this, Dr. Mercy said "We usually have a yearly plan of activities and with the means available we will be able to decide on what activity to undertake. The year is coming to an end and during our next session we will come up with what next to do."

Meyi Eborobod attends to both boys and girls of all ages who are less privileged. They work in collaboration with the Divisional Delegation of Social Affairs, Momo and the Community/Social Workers to identify these children. The president at the end of the graduation/"settlement" ceremony used the opportunity to extend special thanks to all Meyi Eborobod members for raising the finances that enabled the group to handle all their projects/activities so far. "We are thankful to the two trainers at Mbon market who were patient with the girls and taught them the skills" she added. 

In continuation, she went on to say "We also thank our patrons who some years ago during our 10th Anniversary celebration supported us financially. We are grateful to the Lord Mayor, First and Second Deputy Mayors of the Mbengwi Council for offering us space at the council for the graduation ceremony and also providing separate sheds at Mbon Market for the two girls to occupy for a year without paying rents as they begin."

Lastly, she ended by acknowledging the assistance given to them by the Divisional Delegate of Social Affairs and the Community/Social Worker for Mbengwi. At moment, plans are underway to establish a branch of Meyi Eborobod in Mbengwi. Those interested to belong can get to Madam Fonjong Doreen Anwi epouse Agwe who is first deputy mayor of the Mbengwi Council for further details or contact their president Dr. Mrs. Tah Monunde Mercy. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Understanding the PCC and Elections

The Synod Office, Headquarters of the PCC, Buea

The Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC) has 31 presbyteries nationwide, excluding diaspora, with a membership of over 2 million Christians and over 600 pastors. It is the 7th highest employer in the country with a 25 billion balanced budget as of last year 2023. After every 5 years, elections are organised to restructure the governing organs of the church from congregational to synodal levels.

At the congregational level, the process starts with church groups/choirs, the session and elders. Later, the next stage is that of presbyteries where presbytery chairpersons, their vices, synod delegate etc are voted. After congregational elections, each congregation sends three representatives to the presbytery level to partake in the voting exercise there. After every presbytery elections, each presbytery sends three delegates to represent them at the synod elections. 

However not all positions are occupied through election. There are ex officio members like presbytery treasurers, presbytery secretaries and moderator's representative that are appointed and automatically become members of the presbytery Exco and or the synod. The PCC has at its top leadership the Moderator, the Synod Clerk and the Finance Officer. There are also those referred to as the first 4s of the church. They are the Moderator, the Synod Clerk, the Secretary of Committee of the Ministries and the Secretary of the Constitution Committee.

About 134 pastors from information gotten are qualified to run for the office of moderator or synod clerk this 2024. This on the basis that they're all ordained clergies, aged between 45 to 60 years, have uninterruptedly served as pastor for at least 15 years from date of their ordination, have never been disciplined by the church amongst other criterias. 

The PCC Elections are guided by the Holy Bible, the Constitution, Book of Orders, the Finance Order and the Election Manual which is in itself an except of the aforementioned  books. The PCC is self propagating, self governing and self financing. All these make the PCC an independent church operating on its threefold missions: to preach, to teach and to liberate God's militants through healing, economic empowerment and development. These are achieved through its Preaching (Churches), Teaching (Schools) and Healing and Development (Hospitals, Development and Training programmes and Economic Structures).

Under the mandate of Right Reverend Fonki Samuel, a PCC reserve account which never existed was created to ensure sustainability with a minimum deposit amount of at least 50 millions. This is to ensure the church is never broke and should at any point in the future the worse comes to the worst, this reserve will help rescue the church. According to information gotten, the reserve account of the PCC at the time Fonki is leaving office stands at close to 1 billion francs.

The Electoral Commission manages elections in the church. It is made up of Christians of right standing at the level of their congregation, presbytery and synod that must not be contesting for any position. Right Reverend Fonki refers to the elections period as "the 5th year curse of the church". It is always characterised by blackmail, character assassination, backstabbing, propaganda, sponsored media write ups, reports and at times physical confrontations. To reverend Numfor Godwin, Presbyterial Secretary for Boyo/Tubah presbytery doubling as the PCC Webmaster, "after all these, we always come back together as a church". To him, the church in general irrespective of denominations is "an association of convicted sinners". 

Church elections at times tend to look like political party elections. While many see this abnormally, Numfor thinks differently because to him, those who make up political parties as militants and politicians are same people who make up churches as Christians. However, this does not give room for disorder before, during and after the electoral process because in reality, church elections should be exceptional. It is for this reason that the PCC has a Social Media Code and Book of Orders from where every disciplinary decision meted on a Christian or pastor is drawn from. 

At a time when elections within the church are around again, in this social media era, a lot of write ups and voicenotes have been circulating online and will continue to, at times from anonymous sources and at times from reputable Christians, clergymen and women. One of the social media code not just for the PCC but generally is that whatever information you forward, share, you own it even if you're not the author. Elections will come and go, disciplinary sanctions will follow after and often the victims are aware of where they faltered but lay Christians will be quick to judge the decision taken and question its validity.

Those who master the organigram of the PCC understand that the church is structured in such a way that no institution or individual has overbearing powers over another. For example, the Financial Secretary is the authorised signature of the church's account and handles the payment of every worker of the church from cleaner to moderator. The Synod Clerk is the Chief of Staff of the PCC. The church has an audit team that is often on the field for checks and there are records of Christians and pastors that have been forced to pay back what they were found guilty of having misappropriated. Others are in jail for financial wrongdoings within the church. Even the moderator and Synod Clerk can be sanctioned if found wanting of violating the church's binding principle as stipulated in the various books. 

On the 12 of October 2024, presbytery meetings will be held a across all the 31 presbyteries of the church. The meetings will end with the election of new presbytery executives. Then in December, synod elections will take place. Fonki will be leaving office after successful serving two terms of 5 years each. He will be handing over the Pectoral Cross, the highest symbol of authority to his successor. 

Though eligible to still run for  Synod Clerk, he has made it clear his interest is to go back and serve as Pastor wherever he will be posted to work. He has seven more years before reaching retirement age. This is the first time a moderator will leave office and still continue his pastoral ministry for 7 more years. All of his predecessors left office at retirement age. It will be the first experience ever in the history of the PCC for a former moderator to go back and serve as a congregational pastor and become answerable to a presbytery secretary.

We were reliably informed that the church takes proper care of her retired moderators. Upon retirement, each is entitled to a car, a driver, a cook, a juicy monthly allowance plus other benefits. Rev. Fonki made history during his mandate and is about to again make history even after his mandate. It's a wait and see. We have noted that the current Synod Clerk, Rev. Miki Hans Abia has been tipped as top favourite successor of Fonki to head the PCC as next  moderator except otherwise. If it happens as such, he will serve just for a mandate of 5 years and go on retirement because age would've caught up with him.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Gang of Kidnappers in the Bome, Ngyen-Mbo Zone Still Dribbling Military Intelligence

The people of Bome,  Ngyen-Mbo zone of the Meta  clan in Mbengwi have been spending sleepless nights following the increase of cases of kidnaps in their area. There is a gang allerged to be specialised in this dubious activity that comes in from time to time, gets their victim, negotiate, get their ransom paid and then disappear.

At least two persons in Ngyen-Mbo have fallen victim and we learnt one paid  about 5 million francs to regain his freedom, money that was taken as a loan from the bank on condition that a percentage from his salary will be deducted monthly to repay the loan, a process that will go on for years before he gets free from this financial indebtedness.

One of the notables of Ngyen-Mbo had also lost some millions to the gang and last week, they stormed the Ka'ajik neighbourhood and got hold of a youth there. A man hunt was immediately launched by the vigilante group of the quarter but the kidnappers had swiftly taken off with their victim to somewhere towards Bossa. Negotiations were later done and he was released after some money changed hands.

Locals suspect that the gang leader should be a former separatist fighter of the area that was once arrested and jailed at the Bamenda central prison and later released. He is said to have relocated to somewhere out of the region but only sneaks in to get the targeted victim and negotiate for money then goes and spends it out of the region or even if he's not physically present, he masterminds some of the kidnap incidences from afar, directing his colleagues on how to go about it.

Security elements have not been able to get hold of this gang despite being on very high alert. Some critics have been questioning why a separatist fighter will be released from jail knowing fully well that like a dog, he will go back to his vomit and continue to reign havoc on commoners for as they say, you can take the monkey out of the bush but can't take the bush out of the monkey.

In thesame light, all attempts to pin down a couple of suspected separatist fighters that are said to be taking refuge in the outskirts of Bafut and then storming the Tondig zone of the Meta clan from time to time to also disturb social peace there are yet to yield fruits. In these two zones, any financially well to do person is a potential target to the kidnappers or fighters. Even business persons operating on a high capital in these zones aren't free.

Commoners wish military intelligence is heightened to nab them yet the criminals seem to have mastered the strategy of hit and run, making it difficult for them to be caught. Others think that based on past operations that have been successfully carried out in the highest of enclaved areas, the military is yet to really adopt it as a fully funded mission to go after these criminals, that if they mean it behind them, they'll get them. In the midst of the normal life many opine is reigning in Mbengwi, underneath, cases of insecurity still continue to occur, though minimal.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Economic Empowerment of Youth Groups in Mbengwi, the Success Story of Tobho Piggery Project

Mbengwi, the headquarters of Momo Division in the North West Region of Cameroon was speedily booming economically till early 2017 when the subdivision started feeling the negative impact of the Anglophone Crisis that broke out in late 2016 with the shutting down of  schools being one of the major strategy secession activists enforced to push through their agenda. 

The administrative structure of Government Technical High School Mbengwi in Njindom was torched same as multiple blocks in Government Primary School Guneku. Several other schools suffered from partial or completely arson at times by bushfires as a result of abandonment in the wild. Secondary and high schools plus teacher training colleges in the municipality that used to count thousands and hundreds of students were forced to shutdown. Teachers, pupils and students took to their heels. 

First Set of Piglets Harvested After Six Months

Hundreds relocated to localities in the other French speaking regions of the country. The rate of rural urban migration became alarming. All youth associations and other human groupings in Mbengwi seized to exist. The goal of everyone then was just to eat to see the next day because at every given second, anything could happen leading to loss of life. 

By the year 2022, the situation had greatly improved upon as the armed conflict de-escalated to a reasonable proportion. Many who had taken off started returning home gradually. The activists too had relaxed their initial stance of complete school boycott to allowing non government schools to function. The remaining youths that stayed back home probably due to having nowhere else to run to started reconstituting themselves and revamping their associations.

Throughout this crisis period, Meta sons and daughters out of home and abroad became more and more worried about the wellbeing of those back home. Several initiatives were launched to provide material, financial and psychosocial support to sufferers of the crisis in Mbengwi. While some of these yielded no fruits and rather caused more problems, others really stood out distinct and worth emulating. Such were those that aimed at empowering victims to fend for themselves rather than giving them food or money.

Second Set of Piglets Currently Being Fattened

The Meta Cultural and Development Association (MECUDA) U.S.A branch became one of the leading groups of Meta children in the diaspora that relented no effort in reaching out to those back home. Multiple material and financial support schemes worth millions were realised in several parts of the clan by MECUDA USA. Amongst their various realisations was a piggery project to economically empower Tobho Youths Association. 

On Tuesday September 26th 2023, three piglets, 20 bags of feed were donated to Tobho youths. In addition a credit union account was also opened for them. Ten months have gone by and the success story of the Tohbo piggery project funded by MECUDA USA has been encouraging and worth continuing, this time around on a bigger scale. 

In April 2024, the first pig that had been fattened to maturity put to birth 8 piglets. Unfortunately 3 died and 5 survived. Some of the piglets are already being sold. Three months after precisely in July 2024, the second pig also put to birth 7 piglets and all are doing well. If not of an injury that that third pig sustained, it would've also been looking forth to putting to birth. The first pig is now pregnant for the second time. 

Therefore in every three months, the Tobho Youths Association will be having piglets for sale everything being equal. If they sell 10 piglets at 45.000F each, it means their account will be credited with 450.000F. If they deduct money for feeding, they'll still be left with a reasonable amount. They may also want to increase the fence and add the piglets they're fattening. This means a time will come when the youth association will be a major supplier of piglets in Mbengwi and beyond. 

Memorandum of Understanding Signed at the Beginning of the Project

The reach out to Tobho Youths by MECUDA U.S.A was done through the Mbengwi communal bureau of the Cameroon National Youth Council that acted as as a liaison between the funder and beneficiary. A Memorandum of Understanding was actually signed with one of its terms being that the beneficiary will give two piglets back to the donor for onward donation to another selected youth group that will be recommended by the youth council. 

The process is now on to identify the next beneficiary of this MECUDA USA agricultural empowerment program. Six youth groups, that is Munam youths, Barakwe youths, Kobenyang youths, Zem youths, Bessi Fomukong youths and Bedtime Melodies Fan Club have already indicated the desire to be the next beneficiary. Several aspects will be taken into consideration to finally chose one or two depending on the funds the donor association will have. 

At the time of the realisation of the project last year, Musoro Olive was president of MECUDA USA. Elections later took place at the end of her mandate and Tanwani Victor is now heading association. He sees the innitiative of economically empowering youth groups back home in the agricultural domain introduced by his predecessor as worth continuing and expanding. 

Symbolic Handing Over of 20 Bags of Feed and 3 Matured Piglets by CNYC Mbengwi President on Behalf of MECUDA USA to Tobho Youths Association President, September 2023

Handing Over of Credit Union Account Passbook by Treasurer of CNYC Mbengwi on Behalf of MECUDA USA to Financial Secretary of Tobho Youths, September 2023

The MECUDA USA annual convention will soon be coming up and it's certain members will see need to raise more funds and send home for the financing of such income generating projects based on the success story the first one has been recording. The Cameroon National Youth Council has already been asked to table it's proposal in the form of a project as was done before Tobho Youths Association to see who's next.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Guneku Parishioners Sendoff their Pastor, Rev. Ekole Alexander to Bali

In the recent appointments and transfers of pastors within the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (P.C.C), Rev. Ekole Alexander Netunda previously serving as Parish Pastor of Guneku was transferred to Bali Presbytery this time around as Presbytery Treasurer. 

He had previously worked in Njikwa Presbytery from where he was transferred to the Meta Presbytery to serve as Pastor of Sang Parish. He will later be sent to Guneku parish and not up to a year of stay there, he was recently transferred to Bali Presbytery. 

It was for this reason that parishioners from Guneku, Sang and the Meta Presbytery at large attended his send forth service that took place on Sunday June 23rd 2024. Drawn from Fun, Chup, Sang, Bessi Tibatoh, Njiningom, Wumnembug, Wumnembit, Bessi Fomukong, Mbengeghang and other congregations, Christians, friends and well wishers including other pastors plus Meta presbytery executive members of some church groups like the Christian Youth Fellowship (C.Y.F) all came to send forth Rev. Ekole to his new place of work. 

Rev. Ekole Alexander, Former Parish Pastor of Guneku, New Presbytery Treasurer, Bali
Rev. Ekole & Wife

Elder Fodom Calvin is Congregational Secretary of P.C Fun. To him, their outgoing pastor within the period he spent with them actually moulded them well to carry on with their Christian activities. Asked to describe their outgoing pastor, Elder Gladys Anwi, Congregational Chairperson for P.C Guneku said "He's a very good and active pastor. He preaches and does things that have really raised our spiritual life. We pray that whoever is coming should be as he was with us."

The Christians showered their pastor with financial and material gifts. When Mbengwi Online caught up with Rev. Ekole Alexander at the end of his sendoff service we first wanted to find out from him the memories he will carry along of the Meta presbytery. He said "Coming to Meta was a blessing because we came when things were really rough as concerns the crisis but the Almighty God used the Meta people to bless me and increase me in my ministry. In fact I enjoyed the time spent hear."

Christians Bidding Farewell to their Pastor 
Presentation of Gifts

Often at times when transfers are made, the tendency will be that Christians start comparing pastors. They either want the  incoming to be same like the outgoing or better than him/her. Addressing this, Rev. Ekole said "Every pastor has his own grace, his own dynamics. In fact God created people differently unique. I may be a good singer, another pastor will be a good dancer, another one will be a good preacher. All our focus should be on the word of God because no pastor will take you to God but your life will take you to God."

By the first Sunday of July, Rev. Ekole will start ministering the word of God in his new place of work while the Christians of Guneku anxiously await the arrival of their new pastor. She's said to be coming in from Ndop presbytery. 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Resuscitation of the Mbengwi District Hospital, M.P Donates Beds, Promises Medication


It never rains but pours. The Mbengwi District Hospital that's been providing healthcare to the population at some point in time, like a willing horse that's being ridden to death tend to be in need of resuscitation. The standards of the hospital had fallen to the level where it was almost shutting down for lack of a seating doctor, nurses, medication, equipment, poor management etc,

To help rescue the sinking ship, municipal authorities stepped in and held a series of crisis meetings to make sure the hospital doesn't breathe its last. Several measures were taken beginning with ensuring that there's a resident doctor in the hospital. Members of the elite class of the subdivision and politicians were also presented the dying situation of the hospital so that they can as well help.  

Family Photo at Handing Over Ceremony 

It was for this reason that on Tuesday May 21st 2024, the Member of Parliament for Momo East Constituency, Mbengwi, Hon. Injoh Foo Ngang Prodencia made a donation of 10 VIP beds to the Mbengwi District Hospital as her own contribution to revive the ailing hospital. According to one of the hospital staff, "these VIP beds will go a long way to improve on the  care and comfort of patients admitted in the hospital"

She also used the opportunity to lament about the challenges still plaguing the hospital which she cited as lack of a full blood count machine, a biochemistry machine, surgical sets, cesarean section sets, laparotomy sets, general surgery sets, episiotomy sets, increase in its medical/paramedical staff and more infrastructure in order to meet the standards of a district hospital.

Traditional Dance by Students of SAR/SM Mbengwi Animating the Event 

The M.P was accompanied for the handing over ceremony by the mayor of the Mbengwi Council Ndangsa Kennedy Akam, the Divisional Officer of Mbengwi, Ngidah Lawrence Che, the Senior Divisional Officer of Momo, Fouda Etaba Benoit Nicaise and heads of security units otherwise known as Etat Major. Students of SAR/SM Mbengwi animated the event with traditional dance. At least 300 persons drawn from the beneficiary population also witnessed the occasion. 

Speaking earlier on, the mayor of the Mbengwi Council called on the population to continue to collaborate with administrative authorities and forces of law and order to maintain peace in Mbengwi. He admitted the people had repeatedly complaint about the falling standards of the hospital and  further made it known that in response to some of the complains, the hospital now has a resident doctor who was introduced to the population and welcomed with a round of applause, indicating that the cries of the people are being heard and responded to. With the new doctor and the recent new beds, Ndangsa Kennedy assured that more good things are still coming to the hospital to improve on the healthcare service it has been providing to the population of Mbengwi for decades of years. 

Symbolic Handing Over of the Beds by the S.D.O of Momo to the Hospital Administration 

The people's representative in Cameroon's National Assembly, Hon. Injoh Foo Ngang Prodencia on her part while addressing the crowd said "I brought these beds today thanks to my partnership with the U.S based N.G.O known as The Friendship Circle and a 40 feet container of assorted medication is being shipped into Cameroon and by June 17th, it'll arrive as per the Bill of lading in Douala, we do the clearance and program healthcare campaigns in various villages here in my constituency"

On his part the S.D.O of Momo expressed gladness with the donation and added that the people of Mbengwi are blessed considering that people right in the U.S.A are thinking about them and trying to keep them in good health. To the beneficiaries of the gift especially personnel of the hospital, he called on them to maintain the beds especially as they are of good quality so that they can serve the population for years. 

Symbolic Handing Over by the M.P to the S.D.O

"Madam the M.P, extend our greetings and congratulations to The Friendship Circle. We want to acknowledge their commitment to alleviate the difficulties that we have here and this action falls in line with government policy of improving the health situation of its citizens in Momo Division" said the Senior Divisional Officer.